During the 12th century many castles were improved and strengthened using stone
instead of wood.
Compared to the motte and bailey castles, stone castles were larger taller and
more reliable for defence. Moreover, the timber and wood used in the
earlier castles were found unsafe in a fire.
With a strong foundation, stone keep castles could be built
high. This gave them the great advantage of visibility allowing the
defenders to see if an enemy was coming when they were still a distance away
? thus allowing the castle to get its defences ready. Rochester Castle has
views across the Medway estuary, so any attack by river would have been easy
to spot.

What Is A Castle
Motte Castle
Stone Castle
Stop Building
List Of Castles
Camelot Castle
Kenilworth Castle
Warwick Castle
Abergavenny Castle
Windsor Castle
Beaumar Castle
Dolbadarn Castle
English Castles
Scottish Castles
Welsh Castles
Castle Database |