is believed that rye originated in south western Asia about 6500 B.C.
It migrated westward across the Balkan Peninsula into Europe.
Today, rye still is grown extensively in Europe, Asia and North
America. The plant thrives on high altitudes. It has the greatest
winter hardiness of all the small grains, growing as far north as
the Arctic Circle!
There are three basic classes of rye, depending on their kernel size
Long grain, Medium grain and Short grain.
Rye is an excellent winter cover crop
because it rapidly produces a ground cover that holds soil in place
against the forces of wind and water. Rye's deep roots help prevent
compaction in annually tilled fields, and, because its roots are
quite extensive, rye also has a positive effect on soil tilth.
Rye thrives on well drained loamy soils, but it's tolerant of both
heavy clays and droughty, sandy soils. Rye can withstand drought
better than other cereal grains, in part because of its prolific
root system.
It grows best with ample moisture, but excessive rainfall can
suppresses subsequent vegetative growth and can flood it.
Farming Slaves,
Weeding, Ploughing,
Irrigation, Sickles,
Threshing, Wheat,
Barley, Millet,
Rye, Olive Trees,
Grapevines |