Medieval Music, Kortholt

Deriving its name from kurz Holz , this instrument was the one where the reed-cap principle was applied to the cylindrical double bore to give a soft low buzzy sound. Praetorius admitted to being puzzled by the disparity in pitch between the kortholt he had seen and the equivalent size of another instrument.

This was because the kortholt was a double-bore instrument. Because of this doubling back of the pipe inside the instrument, the fingering system is unusual. Similar to the krumhorn, it cannot overblow to produce an upper register






Music Bladder Pipe Cornamuse Dulcian Gamba Harp Harpsichord Kortholt Lizard Lute Organetto Pipe and Tabor Psaltery Rebec Recorder Sacbut Schalmei Serpent Shawm Shofar Viol Songs