Who killed Cock Robin?' 'I,' said the
Sparrow, 'With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.'
'Who saw him die?' 'I,' said the Fly, 'With my little eye, I saw him
'Who caught his blood?' 'I,' said the Fish, 'With my little dish, I
caught his blood.'
'Who'll make the shroud?' 'I,' said the Beetle, 'With my thread and
needle, I'll make the shroud.'
'Who'll dig his grave?' 'I,' said the Owl, 'With my pick and shovel,
I'll dig his grave.'
'Who'll be the parson?' 'I,' said the Rook, 'With my little book,
I'll be the parson.'
'Who'll be the clerk?' 'I,' said the Lark, 'If it's not in the dark,
I'll be the clerk.'
'Who'll carry the link?' 'I,' said the Linnet, 'I'll fetch it in a
minute, I'll carry the link.'
'Who'll be chief mourner?' 'I,' said the Dove, 'I mourn for my love,
I'll be chief mourner.'
'Who'll carry the coffin?' 'I,' said the Kite, 'If it's not through
the night, I'll carry the coffin.'
'Who'll bear the pall? 'We,' said the Wren, 'Both the cock and the
hen, we'll bear the pall.'
'Who'll sing a psalm?' 'I,' said the Thrush, 'As she sat on a bush,
I'll sing a psalm.'
'Who'll toll the bell?' 'I,' said the bull, 'Because I can pull,
I'll toll the bell.'
All the birds of the air fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
When they heard the bell toll for poor Cock Robin.
sad story of the death of the legendary
Robin Hood ?
Thirty Days Wise Old Owl
Tom Piper House Jack Built
Seesaw Margery Daw
Bo Peep Little Piggy
Boy Blue Jack Sprat
Jack Horner Miss Muffet
Tommy Tucker Ladybug
Mary Mary quite contrary
Old King
Cole Cry Baby Bunting
Hush A Bye Baby
Doctor Foster
Georgie Porgie
Goosey Gander
The Grand Old Duke Of York
An Apple A Day St Ives
Baa Black Sheep Old Mother
Hubbard Robin Red Brest
Oranges And Lemon
Banbury Cross
Jack Be Nibble
Twinkle Star
Dicky Birds
Willie Winker
Sugar and Spice
Cock Robin Old Women
Diddle Diddle
Hickory Dickory
Hot Cross Buns
Humpty Dumpty
Ding Dong Bells
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Jack and Jill
Christmas is coming
Fish Alive |