As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits: kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
St. Ives situated at the south western
tip of Cornwall, flanked by miles of magnificent coastal scenery,
surrounded by
tranquil sub tropical gardens and country lanes that are hedged with
wild honeysuckle. Have you been to St Ives ? I have !
This rhyme is for anyone thinking of
visiting Cornwall, and the people you may talk with when your there,
in particular you should look out for this man with seven wives !.
This is just one of those riddles where you need a calculator to
work it out.
Answer to the Riddle
Only one man was going to St.Ives!
He met the following who were going the other way
A man (1) with 7 wives
7 x 7 (49) sacks
7x7x7 (343) cats
7x7x7x7 (2,401) kits
Total of 2,801 wives, sacks, cats and kits
Thirty Days Wise Old Owl
Tom Piper House Jack Built
Seesaw Margery Daw
Bo Peep Little Piggy
Boy Blue Jack Sprat
Jack Horner Miss Muffet
Tommy Tucker Ladybug
Mary Mary quite contrary
Old King
Cole Cry Baby Bunting
Hush A Bye Baby
Doctor Foster
Georgie Porgie
Goosey Gander
The Grand Old Duke Of York
An Apple A Day
St Ives Baa
Baa Black Sheep Old Mother
Hubbard Robin Red Brest
Oranges And Lemon
Banbury Cross
Jack Be Nibble
Twinkle Star
Dicky Birds
Willie Winker
Sugar and Spice
Cock Robin Old Women
Diddle Diddle
Hickory Dickory
Hot Cross Buns
Humpty Dumpty
Ding Dong Bells
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Jack and Jill
Christmas is coming
Fish Alive |